Council Tax

Council Tax

The Council Tax was introduced on 1 April 1993. It is a local charge on all households and pays for local services such as schools, libraries, leisure facilities and refuse collection.

The Assessor is responsible for compiling and maintaining the Council Tax Valuation List which shows the band of each house in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

Each house has been put into one of eight bands according to its open market value as at 1 April 1991 subject to certain banding assumptions which the Assessor must make.

Council Tax Bands in Lothian

BandProperty Value as at 1st April 1991
ADwellings with a Capital Value of up to  £27,000
BDwellings with a Capital Value of between  £27,001  and  £35,000
CDwellings with a Capital Value of between  £35,001 to £45,000
DDwellings with a Capital Value of between  £45,001 to £58,000
EDwellings with a Capital Value of between  £58,001 to £80,000
FDwellings with a Capital Value of between  £80,001 to £106,000
GDwellings with a Capital Value of between  £106,001 to £212,000
HDwellings with a Capital Value over  £212,000
Link to SAA Website
The Scottish Assessors Association Website


Your house may be liable for Business Rates if it's used as Self-catering or short let holiday accommodation. Contact us for further information.

Do you need your new House banded for Council Tax?